Summation of Summations (noch nicht übersetzt)

Problem 739

Take a sequence of length $n$. Discard the first term then make a sequence of the partial summations. Continue to do this over and over until we are left with a single term. We define this to be $f(n)$.

Consider the example where we start with a sequence of length 8:

$ \begin{array}{rrrrrrrr} 1&1&1&1&1&1&1&1\\ &1&2&3&4&5& 6 &7\\ & &2&5&9&14&20&27\\ & & &5&14&28&48&75\\ & & & &14&42&90&165\\ & & & & & 42 & 132 & 297\\ & & & & & & 132 &429\\ & & & & & & &429\\ \end{array} $

Then the final number is $429$, so $f(8) = 429$.

For this problem we start with the sequence $1,3,4,7,11,18,29,47,\ldots$
This is the Lucas sequence where two terms are added to get the next term.
Applying the same process as above we get $f(8) = 2663$.
You are also given $f(20) = 742296999 $ modulo $1\,000\,000\,007$

Find $f(10^8)$. Give your answer modulo $1\,000\,000\,007$.